Facebook SEO: Facebook Page Optimization Tips for Higher Rankings

Even beginner specialists know there is a connection between Facebook and SEO. It’s quite easy to use the two words together in one sentence. But what about Facebook SEO? Indeed, there is such a thing, and it’s essential for any business.

Digital marketing is thriving, with eCommerce growing significantly every year.

Source: Wordstream

By 2025, the revenue from retail eCommerce may exceed 1,3 trillion dollars. For further details, here are the top eCommerce sites in the US.  Businesses do everything they can to get to first place in the SERPs. And Facebook page ranking could become an important piece of the puzzle, leading more people to your company and not to the competition.

So, how to promote a Facebook page? How to research keywords? How to get backlinks? We’ll discuss everything in this guide.

What Is Facebook SEO? Why Is It an Important Traffic Source for Your Business?

Facebook search engine optimization is a combination of actions you can take to increase the ranking of your FB page in search. The process includes looking for keywords relevant to your niche, researching your audience, choosing the right page name, consistent posting, engagement, and more.

Why is this important?

Social media traffic is essential. There are 4.62 billion online users worldwide, that’s more than half of the world’s population.

Img cr: https://s21.q4cdn.com/399680738/files/doc_financials/2022/q1/Q1-2022_Earnings-Presentation_Final.pdf

According to the Meta investor earnings report, there are over 1,9 billion people active on Facebook every day. This number alone is reason enough to use Facebook SEO in 2022.

How Is Facebook SEO Different from Traditional SEO?

Traditional SEO works with websites. You optimize their pages by analyzing session recordings and content, using link building services, growing engagement, etc., to reach more traffic from Google and other search engines. You can track those results from tools like Google Analytics and take data-driven decisions.

On the other hand, Facebook SEO aims at reaching more people within the social media platform, counting it as a separate search engine AND reaching Google traffic.

When you look at Facebook Insights, you can see three types of reach* (unique views of your content):

  • Post Reach.
    This is the total number of people who have seen your posts on their screens according to FB Insights. Both paid and organic traffic are counted within this metric.
  • Organic Reach.
    This is the number of users who have seen your content organically, and not in paid Facebook ads. This means your posts have matched their interest or priority, and Facebook AI decided that they should engage with them.
  • Total Reach.
    This is the total number of people who have seen your content or your page in general. This includes organic reach, paid traffic, your fans, etc.

With FB SEO, you work at increasing the Organic Reach.

*Don’t confuse it with Impressions, which is a metric measuring the total number of times your post entered the viewing screen of all the people that saw it. If one person saw it twice, that’ll be two impressions for the one user you’ve reached.

8 Facebook Page Optimization Tips for Your Business

Improving Facebook business page rank is tricky but you can do it if you have a set of pro tips and general SEO knowledge. Let’s level up your game with our great recommendations.

#1: Keywords

Keywords are the backbone of SEO. You’ll need them for posts, but most of all, you’ll need them for your name, URL, and About page. There have to be several focus queries you can use everywhere without overcrowding the page.

To succeed, you need keyword research. First of all, if you use a query that is too general, you’ll just get lost in the results. Secondly, if you choose something you think people are looking for, chances are it’s not. And finally, you have to choose key terms after understanding the search intent of your audience.

To succeed, you need keyword research. First of all, if you use a query that is too general, you’ll just get lost in the results. Secondly, if you choose something you think people are looking for, chances are it’s not. And finally, you have to choose key terms after understanding the search intent of your audience.

Pro tip: SE Ranking’s keyword popularity research is of great help when it comes to searching for keywords for Facebook posts and profiles in general. It has an intuitive interface so it’s suitable even for beginners.

Besides, on one viewing screen, you’ll see the rating of the query in question, its difficulty, search volume, and more. You’ll also see lists of keyword ideas and low search volume terms and phrases which you can choose from to take your place in the niche and Facebook/Google results.

As you find your list, place keywords wisely in:

  • Page name and vanity URL
  • About page
  • Posts
  • Anchors for links to your website, etc.

Use the queries throughout your FB Business Profile, but don’t overdo it and create a spammy page.

#2: Page Name

Your page name is vital to your success. While you can change it nowadays, it’s much better to get it right from the start and boost brand awareness from day 1. Use the same principle for your vanity URL.

Here are some tips on getting the name and URL right from the first take:

  • Avoid self-promotion unless applicable.
    Unless you’re the main face of your business and it’s applicable (i.e. if you’re a self-employed writer or a lawyer), don’t use your name.
  • Use a good long-tail keyword.
    Pick one carefully and use it in your name organically.
  • Don’t overcrowd.
    ‘Comfortable Shoe Store – The Best Comfortable Shoes Sneakers Sportswear for Your Comfort’. Doesn’t sound right, it sounds spammy and not worth attention. Land on one keyword and focus on it.
  • Don’t write funnily.
    ‘SpOrtS ShoES sTOre’ may have been a normal name back in 2007, but it’s not anymore. It’s best to catch people’s attention in a tidy and smart way.

As to the vanity URL, you will have to claim it. There will be an automatic dynamic URL assigned to your page, but everything should be branded and easy to remember. Basically, you can use your name if it’s not too long or an abbreviation.

#3: Page Info

Fill out the profile completely and include:

  • Category
  • Page description
  • Address
  • Website
  • Phone number
  • Other social media, etc.

This information will help you provide a great user experience and increase organic visibility.

Google crawls this essential information, indexing it to show you in local SEO results. This type of optimization is crucial for your success, as traffic from local SEO is often more inclined to buy than general traffic.

Pro tip: Keep your NAP (name, address, and phone number) consistent throughout listings and all other channels you use to connect with potential customers.

#4: Consistency

Continuing on the topic of consistency, you should keep the page active at all times. Get into writing or hire a writer to create engaging posts for your Facebook page. Publish insights from the research your business does, statistics you gather, and post engaging video and photo content.

Go online every day and see how people react to your posts. After a while, you’ll know what works best for your audience.

If you have zero ideas for content, go back to keyword research. Suggestions will show you some of the most frequent topics people are concerned about. You can also enter the beginning of a query into Google Search to see what people are looking for.

Keyword research will not only give you content ideas but can be used in the content itself to elevate your Business Page in search results.

Off-page SEO will help you increase your Facebook page ranking and spread the word about your business. First of all, add the link to your FB Business Page to your website. You can write a whole post notifying your current customers and readers that you’re improving your online presence.

Also, don’t forget to mention the brands or influencers you collaborate with. This may start a chain or backlinks to you from their websites as well.

Another great link-building technique is writing guest publications. Pitch your content to relevant websites (via guest posting email templates, for example) with high domain authority’‘(with a DMARC and SPF flattening)‘’ and ask them to add a link to your profile in the author’s bio.

Add a link to the page as a signature in your blog as well. This will promote the link slightly every time you guest post or a piece on your website gets a backlink.

Along with the author’s bio link, ask to add one to your website as a relevant source or an honest recommendation. Thus, you’ll be promoted twice with one post.

Don’t forget to use references to other top-notch relevant sources in your articles to support claims and prove arguments.

#6: Engagement

Having a large following means nothing if the audience isn’t engaged. Aside from creating interesting content that answers the questions of your target users, consider the following approaches:

  • Mention the name of your page in other relevant communities
  • Post interesting comments under relevant posts on behalf of the Business Page
  • Post reviews and user-generated content on your page to create social proof
  • Collaborate with niche-specific influencers, encourage them to reply to you, mention you, and follow your page
  • Communicate with your audience in the comments; make them feel like they can ask you something specific about your business and you will answer and/or share a post on the topic

#7: Custom Tabs

Spice your page up with a template suitable for your business. Go to Settings > Templates and Tabs. Usually, pages have the Standard layout, but you can change it, along with the tabs visible on your page.

Choosing the right layout will help you make the Business Page more aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Besides, by moving tabs, you’re distributing SEO keywords across the page, making it more appealing to search engines.

Depending on the business, you can prioritize Posts, Reviews, Videos, Photos, Community, and even Podcasts.

#8: Customized Media Content

High-quality, interesting, relevant text is important. You can achieve high quality, interesting , relevant text content by using a paraphrasing tool. But usually, it’s the image or another type of media content that catches the eye first. By featuring customized images, you have more chances to reach more people.

Choose your brand colors and use them for your images, customized logos, etc. Shoot videos featuring your products, services, representatives, influencers, customers, and speakers.

Post testimonials, infographics, valuable statistics, and more to diversify your content, increase the time people spend on your page, and boost brand awareness.


Don’t underestimate Facebook SEO. It’s a powerful tool that may drive more interested potential buyers to your Business Profile and website. There are many easy techniques you can implement to get higher in the rankings and make your page more appealing to the target audience.

Research keywords, look for content ideas, and utilize digital tools to make sure you and your audience are on the same page in terms of content. Be consistent, post regularly, and communicate with the people visiting your page.

Don’t hesitate to encourage people to follow you and offer the best content that you have. Choose the right template for the page and fill it with brand colors. Also, make sure you choose the right name for the brand – it’s the one people will remember you by.

While most people use social media for entertainment, you can use it to boost your business up the rankings!