How to Post in Multiple Facebook Groups in 2025

How to post in multiple Facebook groups at once has really become a trick question after the latest API update by Meta!

Due to the fact that Facebook groups no longer allow third-party tools the simple automation process is almost extinct now. However, some marketers and Facebook group experts have devised ways to manage the operation. But they are too complex.

There is a clever trick available in the Facebook group itself. You don’t even need a third-party tool. That’s the main objective of this blog- showing ways to post in multiple Facebook groups in 2025 without any third-party tools.

So let’s get on the floor to learn the trick to posting in multiple groups!

How to post in multiple Facebook groups

The first thing you should know is that the feature of posting in multiple groups at once is only available in the case of Facebook Buy and Sell groups.  If you want to know how to add this buy and sell feature to your group, check the latter part of the content.

Here is the step-by-step process to post in multiple buy and sell groups.

Step 1: Click the Sell Something option.

Step 2: Then tap on the type of product you are trying to sell. You’ll have four options available.

Step 3: Further a new window will open where you have put all the details of the selling product, like pictures of the product, title, price, description, and others.

Step 4: Now tick mark the groups where you want to post, then click on the Next option. Here you can make your post to around 20 groups that you have already joined earlier.

So in summary, while making your post you also have the scope of posting around 20 more groups. The feature needs no third-party tools or any additional steps. It’s just a good feature by Facebook Meta.

Posting in Multiple Facebook Groups by Sharing

To post in multiple groups by sharing you have to have a public group. Private groups do not bear such features.

1. First, make a post within your or any other public group. Then tap on the share button.

2. It’ll further open a new window and there you’ll see the Group icon. Click on it.

3. Another interface will open up with all the groups you are already connected with. You can even search your desired groups where you want to make the post. Choosing each of them will lead to making a new post to that specific group.

And that is how you make a post in multiple Facebook groups by sharing. No need for third-party tools here.

The Use of Third-Party Tools

With the update of Meta on 22 April 2024, the use of external tools to automate Facebook groups has been abolished. Meta has deprecated the group API endpoint. Ultimately, no more posts in multiple groups with the help of third-party tools.

All you can do is seek the help of available Facebook group features. Even though they are time-consuming, they are quite efficient as we have already mentioned in the step-by-step guide in the former part of the blog.

If you want to know more about the latest API updates on third-party tools by Meta, have a read to our blog Facebook Groups API Deprecated: Meta Cuts off Third-Party Apps to Facebook Group.

Overall if you are planning to use external tools to post in multiple groups, be careful! Meta might even put you in Facebook jail permanently banning your existing groups and taking away the access.

How to add buy and sell option in Facebook groups

You can add the Buy and Sell feature from Facebook group settings.

Once you have added the feature set, go back to the group’s homepage. Now you’ll see a Sell something option instead of the Write something… option. You must look for that to make a post in multiple Facebook groups.


What’s the best time of the day to make your Facebook group post?

Mid-week days are the best time to make your group posts. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the best days of the week to make your Facebook group post. And if you are planning to make bulk posts, or post in multiple groups at the same time; consider posting from 12 pm-3 pm. Analytics show 7-9 am, 1-3 pm, and 7-9 pm are also good times to make a post. Some major groups suggest posting at 8 pm on Thursdays.

Are there any external tools to make a post in multiple groups?

Even though many third-party tools are available to post in multiple groups, the issue is whether you can use them or not. With the latest API update from Meta external tools are not allowed to use anymore. However, particular automation tools do not require API and hence can be leveraged for your use.

What to keep in mind while posting in multiple Facebook groups?

The first thing you should keep in mind is that posting relevant content. Suppose you are posting tutorial video content on a specific automation tool in multiple groups. You can not post that in groups that are not interested in automation tools or do not fall under the same niche of the content! So while selecting your groups be more deliberate. Ensure that you do not post marketing content in a sales group.