With the help of the following steps, you will be able to integrate Groupboss with ConvertKit.

  • Go to the Groupboss Chrome extension and sign in to your account.
  • Click on ‘Configure’ and select Facebook group. Then go to Autoresponder and add ConvertKit. Now, click Add.
  • Then you will need the API Key and Form ID. To get all those, sign in to your ConvertKit account.
Credentials required to integrate Groupboss with Convertkit
  • Now go to the Advanced option inside your Convertkit account Settings.
How to find API key inside ConvertKit acocunt
  • Once you go to the Advanced option, you will find the API Key. Copy the API Key and paste it into the Groupboss Chrome extension.
How to find API key inside ConvertKit acocunt
  • To find the Form ID go to the Landing Pages and Forms under the Grow option.
How to find Form ID inside ConvertKit account
  • Now go to the Form where you want your data to be collected. You can create a new form as well. Once you click on the Form, you will find the Form ID in the URL. Copy it and paste it into the Groupboss Chrome extension.
How to find Form ID inside ConvertKit account
  • Now, you have all the information to integrate Groupboss with ConvertKit. Now click Save.
Final step to integrate Groupboss with ConvertKit
  • Your integration is successful. You are supposed to see ConvertKit under the Currently Activated option in the Groupboss Chrome extension.
Activated ConvertKit integration inside Groupboss chrome extension
  • Go to your Facebook group and approve the pending requests by clicking on the Approve by Groupboss or Approve All by Groupboss button.
  • Go to your ConvertKit account again and go to the Subscribers option, then select All Subscribers to get the information of the members, whose requests you have approved.
How to to see the emails collected in ConvertKit account collected using Groupboss from Facebook groups

Start collecting emails from Facebook groups and save those inside your ConvertKit account.