With the help of the following steps, you will be able to do the integration of Groupboss with Drip.

⦿ Go to the Groupboss Chrome extension and sign in to your account.

⦿ Select the Facebook group from your Group list. Then go to ‘Autoresponder’ select ‘Drip’ and click on ‘Add’

⦿ Then you will need ‘API Token’,  'Account Id’, and ‘Tag  Name’. To get all those, sign in to your Drip account.

Credentials needed to integrate Groupboss with Drip

⦿ In your Drip account, Go to the ‘User Settings’ option under settings. There you will find the 'API Token’ under the ‘User Info’ option.

How to find API token in Drip account

⦿ Copy the API Token and then paste it into the Groupboss Chrome extension.

API token option in Drip account

⦿ Now, you need the ‘Account ID’. Go to the ‘Account’ option under Settings and you will find the ‘Account ID’ under General info.

Finding account ID in Drip account

⦿ Copy the ‘Account ID’ and paste it on the Groupboss Chrome extension.

⦿ Now you can create a new tag or use an existing one. Copy the tag and paste it into the Groupboss Chrome extension.

Tag in Drip account

⦿ You have all the information needed to set up this Drip integration. Now click Save.

⦿ Well done! Your integration is done. You are now supposed to see this integration under Currently Activated in the Autoresponder field of the Groupboss Chrome extension.

⦿ Go to your Facebook group and approve the pending requests by clicking on  ‘Approve by Groupboss’ or ‘Approve all by Groupboss’.

⦿ After approving the requests, go to the Active option under People and you will find the email address of the members whom you have approved.