All You Need To Know About Facebook Group Insights

Different metrics available in Facebook group insights are going to let you know the performance of your group.

As a Facebook group admin or moderator, you should be concerned about the engagement of your Facebook group.

If you have already brought enough engagement to your group, it’s fine. But if you have not got the desired amount of engagement or you want to accelerate the present engagement, then you need to look for the solution to the following points.

1. What is the number of members who have joined your group within a specific period?

2. What is the total number of active members in a specific date range?

3. Number of posts in the group and comments, and reactions in those posts in a specific date range

4. What are popular days and times for the group and its members?

5. Which are the top posts in the group?

6. Who are the top contributors in the group?

As a group admin, if you can keep track of the above questions’ answers, you will be able to ensure engagement in your group.

You might be thinking now where you will get all the answers. Yes, you need not worry about that as Facebook has already taken care of this issue.

Facebook is bringing many changes to the Facebook group features. One of the important features of a Facebook group is ‘Insights’. From this feature, you can get the answers to the above questions.

Group Insights consists of the following

1.  Growth
2. Engagement
3. Admin and moderator
4. Membership

This blog will contain a description of the answers to the above questions. You can spend some time reading this content, which will help you understand your Facebook group's engagement and take the necessary steps to increase further.

1. Growth

This is one of the important parts of the Facebook group insights. From this part, you will come to know about the number of new members who joined your group in a definite time range. You can customize the date range and see the growth. You will come to know about the number of active members as well. At the end of this section, you will see the statistics of the approved, declined, and blocked members.

2. Engagement

This can be the most important part of the Insight section of the Facebook group. It will help you to know about the number of posts that took place in your group in a time range. You will see which post has the highest number of engagements based on reactions and comments.

However, there are two most important insights in this section, which will help you to decide the time and day of posting in the group to get maximum engagement. These two parts are:

a. Popular Days:

It is more important if your Facebook group is a global one. That there are members in your group from different parts of the world. The prime goal of every post in the group is to get seen by the maximum number of members. And it is difficult for the admin/moderator to know which day of the week will be perfect for important posts to get more engagements. This part of the engagement section will show you historical data on the popular days based on the comments and reactions to the posts.

b. Popular Time:

Like the popular days, this part will show you the historical data of the specific time of the day when the members remain active. It is also decided based on the comments and reactions. It is important if your group contains members from different time zones. To get more engagement your group should get posts every day. If you are posting regularly in the group, then you take the help from this popular time to decide the best time to post.

3. Admin and Moderators

If you have a big group, then you need more admins and moderators to manage the group.

This section shows the activities of the admins and moderators in a definite time range. Based on the activities you can instruct other admins and moderators to take the needful steps to manage the group efficiently.  

4. Membership

This part of the Facebook group Insights will help you to know the top contributors in your group. You can recognize the top contributors with a formal post in the Facebook group. It will inspire other members to contribute more to the group. This part also shows the contributors based on gender and from the different localities of the world.

Final Words

If you are a Facebook group admin or moderator, you can get help from this premium feature of a Facebook group to increase engagement. It was not easy to find this data manually before this feature was launched. Facebook is bringing many new features, which are helpful for the proper management of the Facebook group. Many business owners are leveraging Facebook groups to expand their business.