How to Collect Emails on Facebook in 2024

A common question from current Facebook users is how to collect emails on Facebook. Especially after the Meta cut off third-party apps to Facebook groups– it has become a burning question among email collectors.

With Facebook's algorithm constantly changing, it has become more challenging to collect emails. Since then marketers have been looking for new ways to grow their email collection from Facebook. This blog is all about that. Learn and discover more than one way to collect emails from Facebook in 2024.

Building a strong and quality email list is crucial to attracting more buyers and increasing your business revenues. Let’s explore the actionable strategies to do so.

How to Collect Emails on Facebook?

If you are wondering how to collect emails on Facebook, this part will explain that in as simple a way as possible.

Once you’re done reading this part you’ll know more than one way to collect emails from Facebook. Eventually, growing your email collection list.

➤ Using Facebook groups to grow your email list

Facebook groups are often an overlooked tool within Facebook that has been overlooked by email collectors. Yet it is one of the most advanced and simplest tools to grow your list.

Not only that, with Facebook groups you build your own community where you find both your loyal and prospective customers and eventually start to grow your brand.

Furthermore, it becomes an auto lead generator for you.

It’s because these groups foster a sense of community and allow for deeper engagement with members. Also, there is more than one way to collect leads from your Facebook groups.

Promoting exclusive content in exchange for email contacts

Offering exclusive content is a proven method to get contacts from prospects. Leverage your Facebook group members under the same strategy– incentivize them to share their email addresses.

This is also called a lead magnet, which takes various forms such as:

  • Free downloadable resources like eBooks, checklists, or whitepapers.
  • Discount codes or special offers that are only accessible to group members.
  • Exclusive webinars or live Q&A sessions.
  • Access to private content like tutorials or courses.

To promote this exclusive content, you can pin a post in your group that highlights the value of the content. Also, if any new members join your group, they’ll notice the content easily and may try it right away.

Additionally, you can the Facebook group announcement feature to draw attention to your offer.

Furthermore, consider using Facebook’s built-in tools to link your magnets to an email capture form. For example, you can share a link to a landing page where members can download the resource in exchange for their email address. Platforms like Mailchimp or Converkit allow you to easily create forms that integrate seamlessly with Facebook.

Leveraging the group post feature and announcements

Keep posting regularly. It’s an opportunity to encourage email sign-ups. Be consistent in sharing valuable content. Eventually, your group members will start noticing and soon at some point will see your group as a resourceful hub.

Present the best content that’ll solve the community members' problems. Instead of posting in general, rather try to identify what problems your community members are facing right now– and bring content that would help solve their problem. Finally, once your community is valued– you start leveraging that.

You can do this by:

  • Posting reminders about exclusive content available only to email subscribers.
  • Use rich media like videos or graphics to explain the benefits of joining your email list.
  • Tagging members who may have expressed interest in similar content adds a personal touch and encourages them to act.

Polls and surveys are another new feature of recent times by Meta to encourage engagement in succeeding these tactics. For instance, asking group members about their content preferences in the community.

Following that you can offer to send personalized content via email, further incentivizing them to provide their email addresses.

Leveraging Facebook group membership questions

This tactic has shown great potential in recent times. But to implement this strategy you need a private or closed group.

The scenario is like this– suppose, someone wants to join your group. However, to join your group the rule is that they have to answer a few questions. Moderators and admins will go through their answers, evaluate them, and decide whether to approve them in your group or not.

Use the group Membership Question Feature of Facebook groups. Here’s a better understanding of the ways explaining how you can implement this strategy:

Facebook group membership questions

When someone requests to join your group, you can ask up to three questions. One of these questions can be framed as a request for their email address in exchange for membership. For example, you can ask ‘Would you like to receive exclusive group updates and resources? Provide your email below.’

If you are in doubt about how to set group membership questions please watch here-

Automate with tools like Groupboss

There are multiple tools available in the market that can help you in this specific scenario. Tools like Groupboss allow you to automatically sync the emails collected through Facebook membership questions with your email marketing software like ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, ZohoCRM, Airtable, GoHighLevel, and many others.

Learn more about the tool Groupboss here to automate your Facebook group email lead collection.

Once you have been able to build a community with a substantial number of group members, there’s no stopping you from collecting more and more emails.

However, you should be aware and remain compliant with email marketing laws while conducting your groups like GDPR and CAN-SPAM. Always make it clear that members are opting into your list and that they can unsubscribe at any time they want.

➤ Creating Irresistible Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is a free offer you provide in exchange for someone’s email which we have already discussed in how you can leverage Facebook groups as a lead magnet. However, there are multiple other ways to utilize Facebook as a platform for delivering compelling lead magnets, ensuring broader reach and higher engagement.

Actually, lead magnets come in various forms depending on your business or niche. Here are a few examples:

Discount codes

Offer exclusive discounts or promo codes to Facebook users who sign up for your email list. This works especially for eCommerce businesses, as users are likely to exchange their email addresses for a chance to save money on a product they’re interested in.

Checklists or Cheatsheets

This provides quick, actionable insights that users can apply immediately. For example, a checklist for setting up a successful Facebook ad campaign can entice marketers to join your list.


Create a short, informative ebook that addresses a specific pain point of your audience. For instance, if you’re in the fitness niche, an ebook like ‘10 easy at-home workouts’ can be a strong incentive for followers or subscribers.

Free trials or samples

If you offer a digital product or service, giving users a limited-time free trial or a sample is an excellent lead magnet. This way, they can experience the value firsthand, increasing the likelihood of them becoming paying customers later.

To promote your lead magnets further on Facebook use call-to-action (CTA) buttons. Facebook pages allow you to add a ‘Sign Up’ button, which can link directly to a landing page where users can download the lead magnet in exchange for their email addresses.

Moreover, don’t forget to make the best out of Facebook stories and Live videos. They are to showcase the benefits of your lead magnet. Maybe you can even put some screenshots of satisfied community members who are grateful to you for the lead magnet.

Use compelling copy and visuals to demonstrate the value, and include clear CTAs directing viewers to the sign-up page.

Pro Tip: Test different lead magnets to see which resonates best with your audience. You can do this by running A/B tests, and changing factors like the type of magnet 9Ebook vs. Discount) or the CTA wording.

➤ Leveraging Facebook Ads to Drive Email Sign-Ups

Facebook ads are not free like Facebook groups, pages, or profiles– However, this is one of the most powerful tools you can use to collect emails.

Even when you ask any marketer around the world right now how to collect emails on Facebook, at least 80% will tell you about Facebook ads. All you need is a bit of precise targeting.

You have to understand what type of ads your users are interested in. The sooner your ads start to attract them, and bring curiosity among them– the sooner you’ll start to generate quality emails. Here are some specific tactics to make your Facebook ads work for email collection:

Facebook lead ads

One of the simplest ways to collect emails directly through Facebook is by using Lead Ads. These ads allow users to sign up for your offer without ever leaving the Facebook platform.

When someone clicks on your ad, a form pops up pre-filled with their Facebook information. It will include their name and email address. This significantly boosts conversion rates because it minimizes the effort required from users.

To further optimize your lead ads, ensure the following:

  • Use a compelling headline that clearly states the benefit of your lead magnet (e.g., “Get Your Free E-book Now!”).
  • Use eye-catching visuals or video content that align with your audience's interests.
  • Keep the form short. Only ask for necessary information—typically just a name and email address.

Lead ads can also be integrated with your CRM system or email marketing platform through tools like Zapier. It’ll ensure that the collected emails are automatically added to your email list without manual intervention.

Conversion campaigns with landing pages

Another effective approach how to collect emails on Facebook through ads is running a conversion ad. A conversion ad directs users to a dedicated landing page outside Facebook.

These landing pages should be optimized to capture email addresses in exchange for a lead magnet. Ensure your landing page has:

  • A clear and concise headline.
  • A single call-to-action (such as “Sign up now” or “Download your free guide”).
  • A visually appealing layout with minimal distractions.

You can track the performance of these ads through Facebook Pixel. It helps you further monitor conversions and retarget users who visit your landing page but do not sign up.

Retargeting campaigns

One of Facebook’s most powerful ad features right now is the ability to run retargeting ads. With retargeting, you can show ads to users who have interacted with your content in some way, such as visiting your website or engaging with a previous post.

Retargeting ads are highly effective for email collection, as they allow you to follow up with users who have already shown interest in your content but haven’t yet signed up. These users are warmer leads, meaning they’re more likely to convert.

Pro Tip: Monitor your ad frequency to avoid ad fatigue. If the same users see your ads too often, they may lose interest. Regularly update your creatives and offers to keep them fresh and engaging.

➤ Optimizing Facebook Page and Group Descriptions

Your Facebook page and group descriptions are prime real estate for generating email sign-ups. By optimizing these actions, you can capture leads organically without relying on paid ads.

Add CTAs to your about section

Many businesses overlook the About section of their Facebook pages. This section should include a clear CTA that directs users to a landing page where they can sign up for your email list.

For example, you could write ‘Join our email list for exclusive tips and resources’ followed by a link to your sign-up page.

Utilize the Facebook Page call-to-action button

As mentioned earlier, Facebook pages allow you to add a CTA button at the top of your profile. Make sure this button links directly to a landing page designed for email capture.

You can choose from several CTA options such as ‘Sign Up’, ‘Learn More’, or, ‘Get Offer’, depending on your lead magnet.

Focus on the group descriptions

In Facebook groups, the description section should clearly state the value of joining your email list. For instance, you could say, ‘Join our group email list for insider tips, exclusive resources, and early access to webinars.’

Additionally, pinning a post at the top of the group or using the announcement feature can help draw attention to your email sign-up offer.

Leverage Facebook tabs

Facebook pages also allow you to customize tabs. You can add a tab specifically for email sign-ups. It opens a form within the Facebook environment or redirects users to an external landing page.

Cross-promote your email list in group posts

Group posts are another effective way to promote your email list. Previously we have discussed how you can use the group posts feature to collect emails.

This is more about promoting that and growing into a better quality list. Regularly post valuable content and include a CTA encouraging group members to sign up for more in-depth content via email.

For example, if you share tips on digital marketing in your group, you could say, ‘Sign up for our newsletter to get more detailed strategies delivered to your inbox every week.’

Pro Tip: Consistency is the key here. Include a CTA in every piece of content you post, whether it’s in your page description, group posts, or event descriptions. The more exposure your email sign-up offer gets, the more leads you’ll collect.

➤ Facebook Events for Email Collection

Another solution on how to collect emails on Facebook is the Facebook Events feature. This feature provides an excellent opportunity to connect with potential leads,  especially if your event offers valuable information or experiences.

By promoting events like webinars, live workshops, or product launches, you can encourage users to register and submit their email addresses in the process.

Create events that offer value

Host a free webinar on a topic relevant to your audience, such as ‘How to Create Impactful Facebook Ads’ for digital marketers. Interactive workshops like ‘Building Your First E-commerce Store’ offer actionable insights, making users more willing to share their emails for access.

You can also host exclusive live Q&A sessions with industry experts to foster interaction and provide valuable insights. Product launch events are another great way to collect emails.

Announce the launch of a new product or service, and encourage users to register for updates and exclusive access by providing their email addresses.

Follow up with Attendees

After your Facebook event, the real value of collecting emails lies in the follow-up. Start by sending a thank-you email to attendees, including any promised resources or recorded sessions. Use this opportunity to offer more content or promotions to keep them engaged.

Next, send a post-event survey to gather feedback. This not only improves future events but also keeps subscribers connected to your brand. Lastly, use the collected emails to invite attendees to future events like webinars or workshops. Over time, this helps grow your email list with interested and engaged leads.

Utilize Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a chat system with anyone on the Facebook platform. You could use that to engage with event attendees and remind them to register.

Consider setting automated chatbots to send these reminders. Integrating Messenger with your event marketing strategy ensures that potential leads don’t miss the opportunity to provide their email addresses.

➤ Group Cover Image as Lead Magnet

At the top of your Facebook group, use the cover image as a billboard to promote a lead magnet. Offer something valuable to make sharing an email address worthwhile, as people are cautious about future promotions.

To collect emails, you'll need a landing page, which can be built using tools like ClickFunnels or by hiring freelancers on sites like Fiverr.

Design a 1640 x 920 pixel cover image with a clear call to action, using tools like Canva. Include your branding and promote the lead magnet in the image. Once done, upload it to your group by hovering over the current cover image, clicking the Change Group Cover button, and selecting the new image. Although you can't link directly in the image, add a link to your landing page in the image description to guide visitors.

Does it Really Matter

There are around 3.07 Billion Facebook users monthly! even if half of them have emails you’re missing out on a scope to collect more a than billion leads. I think that clears out why you need to know how to collect emails on Facebook and if it really matters knowing these strategies or not!

Furthermore, until 2023 there were around 70 million Facebook groups. And we have mentioned how crucial Facebook group's roles are in collecting thousands of email leads. Even a few months back we found a Facebook admin who is running around 50+ groups and collecting more than 500 emails a day! That is HUGE.

So if you are still wondering does it really matter to know how to collect emails on Facebook? You’re missing a great opportunity free of cost to make a quality collection list.

Bottom Line

So now you know all the strategies and tricks on how to collect emails on Facebook. It's time to leverage them and grow your quality lead collection list. The methods might not work the same for everyone. You need to understand what your audience is hoping for.

Maybe some Facebook groups have been able to get a good number of emails by running a contest. However, this might not work for you maybe because your audience is more interested in getting valuable and exclusive content for free like eBooks, webinars, video tutorials, etc.

That means running a contest like the previously mentioned group is not feasible for you to collect emails from Facebook. Rather you have to try the other methods that would be more specific for your scenario.

Implement these strategies, and you’ll see a consistent stream of engaged subscribers ready to receive your future offers and content. Ultimately helping you growing collection list.