Facebook Groups API Deprecated: Meta Cuts off Third-Party Apps to Facebook Group

The Facebook group API update didn’t happen out of nowhere or all of a sudden. Meta was planning for this a long time ago and announced restricting third-party apps to Facebook groups this year on January 23.

With a 90-day notice, they stated ‘No More Third-party Tools, No More Campaigns Using Original Objectives’. Finally, Facebook Graph APIv19.0 arrived and threw everything in disarray for businesses focused on Facebook groups, consumers, and mostly developers.

Does it mean all third-party tools are disabled?

No, it is applicable to the tools that have been using Facebook group API. Also, the apps that were enlisted in the Facebook group app store.

What about Groupboss?

No, this update does not apply to Groupboss. It’s working fine. Once Facebook sent the following notification, I got a few messages from our users regarding its effect on Groupboss.

I then contacted our developer team, they affirmed to me that there is no relation with Groupboss regarding API key changes.

Yes, we know people who are using Facebook groups and Groupboss should have concerns like this.

Tools like Groupboss do not require Facebook API, hence not considered third-party tools. They are sort of automation tools. You can use them as usual to automate and leverage your Facebook groups.

Impact after deprecating the Facebook group API key?

The update means no more Facebook group automation, no more scheduling your posts, no more live streaming with third-party tools, and no more bulk posting to multiple groups to save time. In short, locked with Facebook features only.

However, you can schedule posts in Facebook groups using the default scheduling feature of the group.

This has already had a huge effect on the Facebook community. Small business owners, network marketers, social media managers, third-party tool developers, direct sellers, consumers, and many others were already funneled within the Facebook group channel to handle their work and activities. They used to use different third-party tools. From 22nd April these with many others have been unable to be used.