Social Media Content Writing Tips To Follow in 2025
Get the best tips on social media content writing.

There are thousands of new posts on social media every day, many of which can immediately get lost in the news feeds of friends and subscribers. Proper social media content writing knowledge can help you stand out from others.
The smart feed filters out the most useful and relevant social media content. The publication that gets more reposts likes, and comments in the first few hours is always higher in the newsfeed. So your main goal is to create a post that can make it to the top of the smart feed.

Goals and objectives of a social media post
Competently composed text of a post can solve the following tasks:
- Filling useful information and further development of the page in social networks;
- Mass involvement of readers;
- Getting a better return on advertising;
- Attracting traffic to your site;
- Increase in sales of goods and services.
The fact is that the posts that resonate the most go higher in the social network newsfeed. And that means more users will see your post. And among them, for sure, will be your customers and buyers of your products and services.
12 Best Tips on Social Media Content Writing
1) The first thing readers notice when they see a new post is a headline.
For better social media content writing, you should look for the best heading to make the first impression. You can write the headline in large capital letters. It is the headline that will capture the attention of your subscribers in the first few minutes. Yes, by the way, think more about what and how to write in the backspace.
2) The text should not be too long.
After all, a post on social networks is a kind of small ad, which should briefly tell about your offer's value and benefits. But not everyone likes advertising. Therefore, it is better to do it accurately and unobtrusively. The ideal length of a post for social networks is 130-200 characters. Remember, this is not academic writing that requires much explanation.
On Instagram, more voluminous entries are more popular. Well, if, in the end, your text for the post turns out to be too long, it's better to divide it into several parts and publish these parts during the day.
You also use a paragraph generator to get various versions of the content that you are going to post in social media channels.
3) Watch the structure of the post.
First, there should be a call to action, an engaging intrigue or some topical issue, and then the text material of the post itself.
We are used to the fact that the usual article has a standard structure, including a headline, the beginning of the narrative, the main part of it, and the call to action. With social media posts, it has to be done differently. Here, everything is structured exactly the opposite.
Such a construction can, without an extensive preface, tell the user about the useful information you have prepared for him. And then offer to go to a link for more information on your site.
4) The post's text for social networks should not be dry informational material.
Write with ease and ease. As if you were having a conversation with friends of interest. This style of writing gives a better chance to reach the target audience. Write in simple sentences, shortening long and confusing sentences.
5) A call to action.
It should be an obligatory part of every post; you should use it unobtrusively but confidently. It's better to immediately indicate to your readers what is expected of them: call, subscribe, share the post ask your question, or leave a comment.
But it's important to remember that only one call to action should be present in the text. And it is better to accompany it with only one link.
Try not to clutter the post with an abundance of requirements and links. If there are many of them in the post's text, it will only distract readers from the main idea, confuse them and reduce the number of clicks.
The appeal is placed either at the beginning of the text or at the end: you can ask the reader to share his experience or write a personal opinion on some issue. You can also ask if the post he read was somehow useful (in this case, it is better to write the question at the end of the post).
6) Advertising should not be overt.
It's best if it makes up no more than 30% of all your posts. The remaining 70% should contain entertaining and simply useful content. Try to find the right balance and understand what your reader likes. But select the topics of such posts in accordance with your professional activity. Also, if you decide to use AI tools or any other tools for content creation, make sure it passes the AI Detector test. However, if it fails the test, you can make it more natural by using a paraphrasing tool.
Sometimes you can still make exceptions: your post could use a high-quality selection of videos, aphorisms, etc. Use videos, e-books, webinars, etc. Do not be afraid to put entertaining posts. Readers will only be grateful to you for it with their likes. That way, you'll have the opportunity to appear regularly in your newsfeed. Be interesting to your subscribers as an interlocutor and just a friend, and then advertise what you want.
7) The text for the post needs to be as specific as possible.
This is another cool thing to follow in the case of social media content writing. There is no need to deceive the reader, by describing all kinds of tempting benefits he can get by following a link in your post.
Honestly, write everything as it is, but with a certain amount of intrigue. Add an interesting picture to make it even more interesting. And don't go overboard in your introduction.
Get right to the point. People, after all, came to your page intending to get specific answers to certain questions. So allow them to get them.
8) Add shortened links
Links to your site or blog, which you'll add to the text, should not be too long. Why? Yes, because it affects the presentation of the post in the eyes of readers and its appearance. Use free services for shortening links.
9) Use hashtags.
They will help build brand awareness and increase your audience reach. You should include 2-3 hashtags per post. You shouldn't use many hashtags because it will distract the reader's attention. But remember that hashtags are rarely used on Facebook, but on Instagram, they are trendy. Also, using Instagram as a blog can be advantageous for effective use.
10) No focus on search engines.
Social media is a platform for people. There will be no pass keywords and unnatural occurrences. The two most important principles of posts are usefulness and interest. If your post doesn't fit one of these principles, it will wallow in the abyss of thousands of others.
11) Solve the pressing problems of your customers.
Create posts that help them decide whether to order a service or make a purchase. Customers will read your content on your site when choosing between your company and your competitor's company. And, having found only in it the answers to all his questions, he will make a choice in your favor. Firstly, because it is your company that gives him the most credibility. And secondly, it was she who presented him with more benefits and offered the best solution to his problem.
12) Consider the audience.
If you're writing on behalf of a serious company, address your readers as "Ladies and gentlemen," "Dear," etc. If your community style is friendly and humorous, then "Friends" or "Hello!
13) Use the power of social media to the maximum.
If you need to know the opinion of the audience, then create a survey with the appropriate points. If a person or community is mentioned in the post, mention it appropriately with a link. This will be not only informative but also useful because it will increase the engagement of your audience.
Using these tips for writing texts for social media, you can get more return on your advertising, make friends with potential customers, and turn your community into a profitable asset.
Author’s Bio
Emma Flores is lucky enough to turn her interests into a job. Editor and proofreader during work hours, a freelance writer during weekends, and mom all day long, she is at her best and most productive in the morning, with headphones on. Emma is a part of StudyCrumb to offer tips on writing academic papers that satisfy high-quality standards.