How To Make Money Leveraging Your Facebook Group

Facebook is the most popular social media in the world. At the beginning of Facebook, it was used for social interaction only. But nowadays, it has turned into a great business platform. By using different features of Facebook, people are earning lots of money. One of the important features is a Facebook group. Now it’s very well possible to monetize your Facebook group to make lots of money. By following only a few steps, you can convert your Facebook group to an earning platform.
The simple steps to create a Facebook group
Step 1: Create a Facebook Group based on your target customers.
Before creating a Facebook group, you need to identify the target members of your group. There are many groups containing a lot of members, but there is no activity in that group. The engagement is significantly less. As a result, members are not interested in being a member of those groups. Again, many groups are containing fewer members with high engagement. A group admin should consider the quality of the members, not the quantity. To create a Facebook group, an admin should consider the following things:
1.Keep the name of your group related to your business: Naming a
group is very important. Select such a name for your group so that people can easily understand what the group is all about. Keep the name of your group keyword friendly so that your target audience can find the group easily. For example: If your business is related to Sports items, keep your group’s name related to sports.
2.Initial Set-Up for Group: After giving your group the name, you need to do some set up.
i. Cover photo: You need to give a cover photo. Select an attractive cover photo. It should also be related to your business.
ii. Group Description: You need to give a short description of your group and business. You can also add rules for the new joining members of your group. Keep in mind that your facebook group's description should be as simple as possible. You can alos gather facebook group description ideas from other renowned facebook groups.
iii. Questions: You can ask questions to the new joining members. You can ask maximum three questions to the members who will be sending the joining request. In any of the questions, you can ask for their email address so that you can conduct email marketing. The process of setting question is shown below:
# Go to your Facebook Group and click on ‘Membership Questions.’
# Now add questions. Remember you can add up to 3 questions
iv. Pinned Post: The pinned post is quite important. If you have something important to tell the new members and offer them something, you can write it as a post. Then you can keep that post pinned, and the post will remain at the top of the page.
Step 2: Get The Members into Your Group who are Interested in Your Business
After you have finished the group’s initial setup, you need to enrich your group with members. While doing so, you need to keep in mind your target customers. You can use the following ways to increase members in your group.
- If you have an email list,
- Email them about your group and invite them to be a member of your
- You can use YouTube channels to inform your targeted members about your group. You can also tell them about the services you are going to provide to them.
- You can create a new page, or if you have a page already, you can link that page with your group. So the members visiting your group can get access to your page and vice versa.
- Give a post to other groups; If the group is of the same niche, then know the group’s policy. If it is prohibited, then contact the admin of that group with your own profile.
- If there are other sources, use those.
Step 3: Keep your group engaged
Remember, the more engagement the group has, the more Facebook will promote your group. To keep your Facebook group engaged, you can utilize the following ways:
1.Give regular posts to your group. You can post about your business and other relevant topics. However, don't fodrget to welcome new members by tagging them in post.
2. You can conduct regular live sessions or webinars in your group. You can also invite some other professionals who can provide value to the members of your group.
3. You can give some engaging posts to your group.
4. To keep your group engaged, you should ask for feedback from the members about your group activities.
5. You can also introduce theme days in your group. That every day you can give some specific posts, and you can provide names for the days. Generally, these are known as theme days or theme prompts.
Step 4:Make necessary improvements and enrich your group
To get the best benefit out of our group, you need to improve your group continually. To do so, you can follow:
- Collect email as much as possible
- To collect emails from your group’s new members, you can use FB group automation tools like Groupboss.
- Be a member of other groups, which are the same as your groups, and compare them with them to improve further.
Step 5: Promote your Group
To reach the maximum number of people, you will have to promote your group. By using a few techniques, you can promote your group easily. These are:
- You can make partnerships with other group admins and promote each other’s group.
- If you have a website, you can link your FB group with your website so that people who are visiting your website can also come to know about your group.
- You can promote your group in different blog posts as well.
- You can utilize your own Facebook profile to promote your group.
Step 6: Manage your group efficiently:
Once you have promoted your group and could get a handsome number of members, your job will be to manage your group efficiently. The more efficiently you manage your group, the more engagement you will get. Many admins/group owners fail in this aspect, and thereby their groups turn into a dead group. To manage your group efficiently, you can follow the steps given below.
a. Employ trustworthy admins and moderators. You can increase the number of admins and moderators based on the number of members of the group. If you want to keep your group always engaged, then employ admins/ moderators from different time zones.
b. You should keep some watchdogs in your group. Their main job will be finding out the spammers and taking necessary actions.
c. Do not approve all the pending members into your group. Spend some time to justify the Facebook profiles cause there might be fake accounts.
Step 7: Turn your group members into loyal customers
This is the most important step of this blog. Once you are done with all the previous six steps, now your job is to earn revenue leveraging your group. You can turn your group members into your loyal customers by using the following steps.
a. Once you have approved requests into your group, you are supposed to collect emails from most of your group members. You can now conduct email marketing using different email marketing autoresponders like, Lemlist, Mailchimp, Activecampaign, Sendfox, Convertkit, etc. You can send different messages through email marketing autoresponders within a short time.
b. You should also focus on Buzz marketing. You can make good relations with the marketing experts or admins of other established groups so that they talk about your group and your business.
c. You should advertise your group as much as possible.
Last Few Words
It’s not really that easy to implement all the previous steps. The person who wants to earn money leveraging FB groups should have to be passionate about it. It might take time to formulate all these. But remember, once you are done with all the strategies, you need not worry about your revenue. Many people are afraid of starting. It’s not a good idea or a good gesture. One should have the courage to take the risk and start something new, though the risk, in this case, is minimal. Lastly, it can be said that this writing will be helpful for those who are thinking of earning money leveraging Facebook groups.